Errors, Installation, SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 Pre requisites install fail, Error: The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role.

SharePoint 2013 Pre requisites install fail, Error: The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role.

While installing SharePoint 2013 in a Windows 2012 Server I was getting the following error right after the prerequisites installation begins:

SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired
Error: The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role.

To solve the issue I set the following Local Policy:

1. – Windows Start

2. – run MMC


3. – Click File, Add/Remove Snap-in…


4. – Select Group Policy Object Editor and ADD it


5. – Navigate to Administrative templates / System


6. – Select and edit “Specify Settings for optional component installation and component repair”

7. – Enable and select “Contract Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)”


9.- Re run the prerequisite installation

42 thoughts on “SharePoint 2013 Pre requisites install fail, Error: The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role.

  1. This is the only solution worked for me , tried several renaming server manager file etc etc. , Thanks a Lot

  2. Thanks a ton, this is THE simplest way of achieving this that I’ve seen. Especially nice if you’re trying one of the eval VHDs that doesn’t include the sources.

  3. Thank you so much. After banging my head for several hours, your blog post helped me fix the issue. Thanks a lot for taking time to write this post.

  4. neither the gpo setting or the hot fix worked… fix said it wasn’t applicable to this computer. I am running win 2012 r2……

  5. The fix for me was to install Net 3.5. I had to point the Net 3.5 installation to D:\sources\sxs which was my WS2012 R2 installation ISO. Presumably the pre-installer was unable to find the local sources\sxs directory.

  6. how we do same in windows server 2008 or 2008 R2. i am facing same issue. Please let me know if there is different way to do in 2008 because i can not find “Specify Settings for optional component installation and component repair” in server MMC console.

  7. go to windows\system32 directory.

    then just make duplication for the servermanager.exe and then rename to servermanagercmd.exe

    i hope it will work then!

    It works.. for me

    1. Duplicating and renaming the file was the fix for me

      Adeel khan
      April 14, 2015 at 1:32 pm
      go to windows\system32 directory.

      then just make duplication for the servermanager.exe and then rename to servermanagercmd.exe

  8. If you are installing on Windows Server 2012 R2 you must run the ISO for SharePoint 2012 with SP1. The ISO without SP1 you get the error above all the time.

  9. a mi el archivo de prerrequisitos me pide reiniciar siempre la máquina y entra a un ciclo infinito (reinicio y vuelve a correr los prerrequisitos)

  10. Adeel khan
    April 14, 2015 at 1:32 pm
    go to windows\system32 directory.

    then just make duplication for the servermanager.exe and then rename to servermanagercmd.exe

    This worked for me as well…

    HotFix only would download windows 8 version (not server 2012)
    This didn’t work:
    This didn’t work:

    Not sure what the root cause was but glad its running

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